BrainDive test

A 40-min digital test that reveals conscious and unconscious behaviors, embedded in the BrainDive platform where you can learn all about your results. 

✔ Reveal your unconscious motivation drivers

✔ Learn how you handle situations of failure, stress and complexity

✔ Get insights into how you function in a team

✔ Become more self-aware to enable growth and change

✔ Receive lots of personal tips

More info & pricing

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Honest, open reviews about our coaching and workshops.

"Immediately welcome, immediately right. Recommended."
Sonja De Greef
Head of Sales & Marketing
"BrainatTrust is progressive because it has the courage to make essential matters negotiable. It elevates individual affairs to something universal. It uses a sustainable, constructive approach that can be suitably filled in at any time, for each organization and individual. Valuable intrinsically humane approach."
Barbara De Beurme