Motivation Coaching

Knowing yourself is still the best way to learn to lead yourself and others. The BrainDive Test with Motivation Coaching takes each individual through a series of questions about themselves and how they function in a team.

We use the BrainDive Test for more self-awareness, a better understanding of the rationale behind your conscious and unconscious motivation factors and how you handle difficult challenges. The BrainDive report is then discussed during individual Motivation Coaching to uncover the deeper meaning of your results.

The information from the report and coaching session can then be used for future improvement.

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Honest, open reviews about our coaching and workshops.

"Immediately welcome, immediately right. Recommended."
Sonja De Greef
Head of Sales & Marketing
"BrainatTrust is progressive because it has the courage to make essential matters negotiable. It elevates individual affairs to something universal. It uses a sustainable, constructive approach that can be suitably filled in at any time, for each organization and individual. Valuable intrinsically humane approach."
Barbara De Beurme