BrainDive test

It is important to know where certain behaviors come from and how we can change them. Taking the BrainDive test will give you an overview of your conscious and unconscious drivers and the difference between both. This will help to describe how you function in a team: what are your causes of distress, how should team members communicate with you. Furthermore, it provides you with an overview of your best developed self-management skills, your least developed skills, and how you handle in situations of fear, complexity and failure. You will get dozens of digital tips that will help you grow on a personal level.

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"Immediately welcome, immediately right. Recommended."
Sonja De Greef
Head of Sales & Marketing
"BrainatTrust is progressive because it has the courage to make essential matters negotiable. It elevates individual affairs to something universal. It uses a sustainable, constructive approach that can be suitably filled in at any time, for each organization and individual. Valuable intrinsically humane approach."
Barbara De Beurme